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Implantology is the specialty dedicated to the planning and placement of dental implants. Dental implants are artificial titanium or zirconium oxide roots that are firmly placed in the jawbone and then integrated into the bone through a process known as osseointegration.

Once integrated, they can be used to fix a dental prosthesis on them, from a single piece to complete rehabilitations.

At CLINICASMELT we are prepared for all types of implant treatments and we use microsurgical techniques to minimize post-operative discomfort.

Implant placement is always performed after an exhaustive study of your mouth and jawbone to guarantee the expected result. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, although, if the patient prefers, we can sedate him/her with the collaboration of an anesthesiologist.

Other treatments

CLINICASMELT offers its patients all the treatments and specialties of modern dentistry:

Conservative dentistry

Conservative dentistry is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of caries by removing and restoring the affected tooth with plastic materials.

Cosmetic/Dental Esthetics

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the correction of esthetic defects of teeth and gums in order to improve the smile, helping to improve self-esteem.


Periodontics is the dental specialty dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gums and the tissues that support the teeth.


Endodontics is the specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of the dental nerve.


Orthodontics diagnoses and treats alterations caused by poor dental positioning, as well as pathological relationships of the maxillary bones.

Dental prosthesis

The term dental prosthesis includes any indirect restoration of teeth such as a single crown, fixed bridges, removable appliances or complete dentures.

Oral surgery

Oral surgery is strictly related to periodontics and implantology, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of small oral cysts and the extraction of enclosed teeth and root remnants.

Biological dentistry

With biological dentistry we want to improve your general health and energetic state. By using highly biocompatible materials, we treat oral infections that may be the origin of general discomfort.

TMJ and joint dysfunction

Many headaches or earaches have their origin in an unbalanced bite or in a pathological joint, often caused by bruxism (rubbing or clenching the teeth) at night.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is the specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and dental treatment of children and young people up to 18 years of age.